4 year old program
In 2025, Kunyung Preschool is offering two (2) four-year-old kinder groups, Seals and Dolphins, each attending 3 days per week during school terms. The total hours per week are 15.
Monday: 8.15am – 3:00pm
Wednesday: 11.45am – 4.30pm
Thursday: 8.30am-12pm
Tuesday: 8.15am – 3:00pm
Thursday: 12.45pm – 4.15pm
Friday: 8.15am – 1.00pm

Incursions for 4 Year olds: Bush Kinder, Wiggerly Worm – music and movement, Little Sprouts – sustainability, Museum Outreach Program – Dinosaurs, Rhythm Fun – Drums, Playball
See more details on Tours and Enrolments.